Always on top
Always on top lets you decide if you want the player to always stay on top of other screens that are displayed while using them. If you want this to happen, you should enable this.
An audio extension for Monkey audio files.
Filter by field
Filter by field filters the playlist using the right clicked field as filter item and then puts the result in a new playlist. With ctrl selected it will search for the items that do'nt match. So that does exactly the opposite.
Future list
The history list gives a list of the songs to be played. You can access it by right clicking on the next button within the player.
History list
The history list gives a list of the songs already played. You can access it by right clicking on the previous button within the player.
This is a media queue format, also generally known to humans as a playlist. It is the default playlist save format of most media programs. It allows multiple files to be queued in a program in a specific format.
An audio extension for Mpeg Layer-3 audio files.
An audio extension for Ogg Vorbis audio files.
Pause here
Pause at the right clicked song when arriving there.
Play next
This will play the right clicked song immediately after the currently playing song has finished. This function can be accessed using the right click menu appearing when right clicking on songs.
Play selected
When the current song finishes, it'll jump to the first selected song in the playlist, play and deselect that. It will keep doing that until no more songs are selected (or its disabled). After that it will switch back to the normal play mode (ie, play the next track in the normal playlist order). For the shortcut for this option see the shortcuts page.
This is a media queue format, also generally known to humans as a playlist. It allows multiple files to be queued in a program in a specific format. It is now supported by many applications.
With queue, you can make a queue for songs to be played. So you can make a precise list of what has to be played next. Queues can be created using the right click menu appearing when right clicking on songs.
Queue by field
Queue by field puts files matching the right clicked field into the queue. If the ctrl was used doing so the old queue will be cleared before doing so
Random next
This function is to go to a randomly chosen next song when you seem to always hear the same song again and again and you just want to go somewhere else in a playlist. Using it will make the previous song function not usable for one song, unless in shuffle mode, where it will just behave as the next function would. Also see the shortcuts and commandline page.
Reverse filter
This function is to search for all the items that don't match your search criteria.
Soft pause
This function is to stop playing after finishing the currently playing song. Also see the shortcuts and commandline page.
This player. Why it has this name exactly, well, nobody knows.