Database Behavior

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Database Behavior

Post by Sigurd »

Updates and New Files

If I improve the tag information in a child directory child2 ( \base\child1\child2)

Can I reimport a directory to to get the new updates or do I have to rebuild the database from scratch?

If I change the names of child2 files, can I reimport the base directory and have the database remove the dead links?

What happens if I rename child2 fubar? Will the old references to child2 be purged from the DB?

Are changes in the DB propagated to the playlists (I'm assuming not).

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Re: Database Behavior

Post by Brett »

Sigurd wrote: Can I reimport a directory to to get the new updates or do I have to rebuild the database from scratch?

If I change the names of child2 files, can I reimport the base directory and have the database remove the dead links?

What happens if I rename child2 fubar? Will the old references to child2 be purged from the DB?

Are changes in the DB propagated to the playlists (I'm assuming not).
If you highlight songs then right click and select "Update", the tag info for these songs should be reread; if the files are not available they will be purged from the Media Library.
All new tag info and removed songs should be reflected through all playlists containing changed songs.
Depending on the amount of songs selected this is normally fairly quick.

You may find it easiest to first do a search for removed or updated directory inside Tuniac eg "child2", then use Ctrl + A to select all files then right click and Update.

You can also Update ALL songs in the Media Library here:
Options menu -> Preferences -> General -> Media Library -> Rebuild Media Library

Note there is no progress screen and Tuniac will "hang" until the operation completes. If you have a large media library the operation may take many minutes.

The Rebuild does some other very minor DB maintenance which except under very extreme circumstances will be of absolute no use to anyone. Because it is slow, has no progress screen and actually has small risks in causing DB corruption doing a Rebuild is not something I ever recommend ;)

Simply readding a directory does not trigger rereading or checking availability of existing files, Tuniac will skip attempting to import existing files entirely.
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