Songlist Request.

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Songlist Request.

Post by Sigurd »

Songlists become my way of remembering great performers but I very often forget whats in my own collection.

If it was possible, I'd like a lower collapsing song list window(s) for whatever I want....

eg. I select all surfing music bands and put them all in a collection for a party or an evening. Open that collection at the party and let the surf music rule.....

The benefit would be that it would be amazing to browse a list of my own made categories. If possible you could expand the list into the leftmost window and show one list at a time.
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Re: Songlist Request.

Post by Brett »

What do playlists lack for your idea?

You can select surf bands in your media library or other playlists and drag/drop on a playlist on the left named "surf bands".
If you select the playlist and play a song in it, tuniac will continue playing only songs from within the "surf bands" playlist.
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Re: Songlist Request.

Post by Sigurd »

I'm a very visual person. Tuniac is actually much much better at remembering my collection than I am.

I can't reasonably have enough playlists in the lefthand window. I can organize my thinking but I can't improve my memory. What I'd like is to be able to put the playlists somewhere by design and only remember the design.

So imagine an eclectic collection might have music from all over the world organized by country of origin. Inside of each country a user might default to genre.

In this example. What I'd like is to effectively keep a playlist of playlists. Inside of "Africa" (or Swing, or disco or ....) I'd like to be able to keep a list of artists so that when I feel like Africa, I can see what I have in the collection.

Its a memory aid mostly. I know that if I can recall an artist name Tuniac will call it up in amazing time but I can't remember what I can't see.

I also see this as useful for events or tasks. "Africa" could be 'Bedtime Music' and categories could be 'instrumental' or 'soundtrack' or ... If you share a computer Joe could have his collection and still get the full features of the program because he could organize his own choices.

I imagine I could do some of this with the 'genre' tag and it would be persistent across rebuilt databases. It wouldn't be visual though.
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Re: Songlist Request.

Post by Sigurd »

I don't know how you'd do this but I can imagine something easy for the user to try.

You could add an icon to songlist titles with children, ie Africa*. Then you could leave the top level of lists visually very similar. The icon would signify that there were other (child) song lists inside. Ideally, you'd be able to play all of Africa* or enter and just play Africa\Jazz

If you open Africa*, you could clear the left window and rebuild. Give the user a back button to return to the top of the selection. You'd be mirroring what users are used to in their file directory experience.
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Re: Songlist Request.

Post by Brett »

I cant think of any easy way to add what you are asking.
So lets talk about other ways of getting something that might work!

I just found a bug which breaks the "Create playlist of playlist files during import" feature with default settings which is now fixed in 180419
So assuming you update to 180419 you can do the following:

You can create a playlist "Africa" and add songs to it.
Then you can right click it and export the playlist to a m3u or pls file that you save to your computer where ever.
You can then delete the playlist in Tuniac if you like.

In the future if Options -> Preferences -> Media Library -> "Create playlists of playlist files during import" is ticked
You can do File -> Import Files and select your playlist file and Tuniac will recreate a Tuniac playlist of that playlist file.
Then you can also filter that playlist via the standard filtering features.

Also of note when you filter if you click the "<" button next to the text box it will create a playlist of that search/filter.
Eg filter by "surf" in ML or any PL then click "<" to create an entire playlist of the things that were found containing surf.
Then you could filter the ML by "monkey" and click "<".
Then select "monkey Filterlist" PL and do Ctrl +A to select all its contents, then drag and drop that selection in "surf" PL.
surf PL now contains all entries of "surf" and "monkey".

Export surf to a m3u file and you can recall the surf + monkey playlist whenever you like.
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