Set Tuniac to not Sleep!

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Set Tuniac to not Sleep!

Post by Sigurd »

Resist Screensaver.

This is probably a stupid question but "How do I keep Tuniac playing if windows goes into sleep mode?" Background music should be persistent.

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Re: Set Tuniac to not Sleep!

Post by Brett »

In preferences under General -> Screensaver and monitor power save you can set Prevent when Tuniasc is Focused.
I don't believe a normal app running in the background can prevent Windows power save modes such as sleep any more.

Also if Windows did sleep how would the player keep playing? The music player would need to prevent sleep.
Windows might be able to reduce CPU and turn off the screen but sleep would need to be prevented.
Have you got example code for what Tuniac could do to allow Windows to behave the way you want?
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